
What's it all about . . .

So in 2009 Leeds City Council decided to 'regenerate' my street. They began the process of purchasing the houses opposite to the row I live on, and the houses in the next street.

This little blog is about what it’s like to live amongst derelict houses in a neglected street under a ConDem Govt and a Labour Council . . I hope you find it interesting and illuminating.

About Me

My photo
I live in South Leeds and have done for over 7 years. After watching the houses opposite me empty and fall into dereliction, I was initially full of hope for better housing and improved living standards; my hope is now turning to disappointment. I wanted to create a place online where I could share my experiences of living in what seems to me at least, to be a dying street. This blog is entirely about my personal experiences and feelings, and is in no way represents my employer or any other organsiation.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Community Meeting update

A very quick update here.

We’ve just had another Community Group Meeting. A pretty good turn out by our standards and some new faces which was good.

It’s always good to hear that you’re not the only one with a particular gripe, fly tipping rates highly for everyone and the need to get the bin yards cleared, which is reassuring.

I was personally very pleased to hear that there are plans to bring some of the houses back into use. I think Leeds Federated Housing are looking into this I had a note to raise this as an issue, but had absolutely no idea how it would be put into practice so I’m delighted that someone better  qualified than me has already thought about it – good news for the Empty Homes agenda too.

There are plans for future demolitions which is a relief and even though things are not good for residents I felt like we were listened to and hopefully action will be taken. It’s gonna take time, but at least there’s progress.

Also looking into planting wildflowers on the cleared ground, but we’ll need to find funding to do this. And onto the next big news, to be able to apply for funding we need to become a formal group and that means setting up bank accounts and getting a resident Chairperson – which is me!! Gulp.

Hope I can do a good job.

Anyway more offensively swear ladened rants to follow

See ya

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